Apprentice (Black Mage #2)
by Rachel E. Carter
Riaha's journey continues in the second book in the black mage series. Her second year as a student at the academy for mages prooves to be tougher than the last- fresh chalanges from both new and old foes, not to mention her growing attraction to a boy she's not supposed to like. As an apprentice mage her training takes place in severeal settings, moving from the blistering cold to scortching hot desserts to pirate infested shores.
This book sees Riah coming into her own, growing into a more powerful and controlled mage as well as a more mature young woman, all in the midst of the most grueling training she's experienced thus far. Not only that. but Riah also starts to come to grips with what it'll take to become the mage she wants to be, and whether she'll be able to rise to the task- and in
some cases, sink down a few levels.
Riah is definety a charecter to be commended. Just when you think she's about to give in, even just for a few seconds, she pulls herself up and gets on with it. If you're looking for a resilient, strong
As with the first book, the appeal in this second instanllment does'nt neccasarily lie in its great writing or particularly profound themes, but rather in its ability to keep you reading, only stopping for food and water. Rachel E. Carter is great at writing incredibly entertaining stories that have you scrunching up your toes in anticipation.
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